Webinar Recording - What does the european digital agenda bring for your organisation

Major changes to European data legislation underway

Just four years after the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force, another sea-change in data management is underway with far-reaching consequences for European companies and public authorities. Aimed at creating an increasingly secure, fair and transparent digital space and market for citizens and businesses, the European legislator has launched a series of four groundbreaking acts (Digital Service Act, Digital Market Act, Data Act, Data Governance Act) soon to be adopted.

Context for the new legislation includes the heightened importance of data in today's economy, the drastic shift in wealth creation in the platform economy, and the necessity of new governance measures for Big Tech. Consequently, a new set of obligations will now be imposed on the various digital players (at all levels of importance). As with data protection, understanding, implementing and complying with these new digital requirements will require a joint effort from legal, technical and business profiles. 

In this on-demand webinar, the experts of PwC and PwC Legal will clarify the goals and the (expected) scope of each act and  offer you a high level but unique cross-disciplinary reading (both legal and technical) on some of the challenges and opportunities created by the European digital agenda.

This  one-hour webinar is the first of a series of webinars, exploring in-depth each of the four acts and focusing on the likely impact on your day to day activities and how to start a “hands on” compliance journey.

Topics that will be covered
  • Introduction of Digital Service Act (DSA), Digital Markets Act (DMA), Data Act (DA) and Data Governance Act (DGA)
  • Which of these Acts are relevant for your organization ? 

  • Main challenges and opportunities of these Acts

  • Questions and answers

Speakers and contributors

Karin Winters

Partner, PwC Legal Belgium

Loïc Delanghe    

Manager, PwC Legal Belgium

Pascal Tops

Partner, PwC Belgium

Jan De Byser

Senior manager, PwC Belgium

Contact us

Karin Winters

Karin Winters

Lawyer - Partner, PwC Legal BV/SRL

Tel: +32 476 60 26 94

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